rinse in Hebrew | Morfix Dictionary מילון ותרגום מורפיקס ...
https://www.morfix.co.il/rinseדוגמאות שימוש עבורrinse verb I rinsed my face in the sink. He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly. The tools were rinsed in alcohol. She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce. He rinsed …
RINSE - תרגום ל - רוּסִי - hebrew24.online
https://www.hebrew24.online › RINSEתרגום «RINSE» מ - אנגלית ל - רוּסִי. ... דוגמאות לתרגו «RINSE» בהקשר: Rinse your face off, now. А теперь умоемся. מקור.
rinse - Translation into Romanian - examples English ...
context.reverso.net › english-romanian › rinseFor optimum performance, rinseyour helmet in warm water with a mild soap. Pentru performanțe optime, clătițicasca în apă caldă cu săpun slab. Lather thoroughly, rinseand finish with a special shampoo after coloring. Spuma bine, clătițiși să termin cu un sampon special după colorare.
Google Translate
https://translate.google.co.ilrinse :: מילון - אנגלית-ערבית תרגום - English Arabic Dictionary
https://www.arabic-dict.com › rinse1. n She gave the towel a quick rinse. The washing machine has a cold/hot rinse cycle. Give the dishes a rinse and leave them to drain.
rinse in Hebrew | Morfix Dictionary מילון ותרגום מורפיקס ...
www.morfix.co.il › rinseדוגמאות שימוש עבורrinse verb I rinsed my face in the sink. He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly. The tools were rinsed in alcohol. She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce. He rinsed the soap out of the cup.
Google Translator - Google Translate
https://translate.google.com › translate_tNo information is available for this page.
rince translation in English | French-English dictionary ...
https://dictionary.reverso.net/french-english/rinceRinse with water and pores are liberated. J'épluche, je rince et je râpe la carotte. I peel, rinse and grate the carrot. On rince ensuite de préférence le substrat pour éliminer la matière. The …
rinsing in Hebrew - תרגום מורפיקס - מילון ...
https://www.morfix.co.il/rinsingדוגמאות שימוש עבורrinse verb I rinsed my face in the sink. He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly. The tools were rinsed in alcohol. She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce. He rinsed …
rinse - Traducere în română - exemple în engleză | Reverso ...
https://context.reverso.net/traducere/engleza-romana/rinserinse - Translation into Romanian - examples English ...
https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-romanian/rinseFor optimum performance, rinseyour helmet in warm water with a mild soap. Pentru performanțe optime, clătițicasca în apă caldă cu săpun slab. Lather thoroughly, rinseand finish with a …
rinse :: מילון - אנגלית-סוואהילי תרגום - Swahili English Dictionary
https://www.translateswahili.com › ri...rinse = suza. אנגלית אל סוואהילי מילון מקוון. בדיקת איות ודקדוק. אנגלית-סוואהילי תרגומים. מעל 10000 סוואהילי תרגומים של אנגלית מילים וצירופי מילים.
rinse in Hebrew | Morfix Dictionary מילון ותרגום מורפיקס
https://www.morfix.co.il › rinse2 תוצאות תרגום לעברית עבור: rinse ... המילה rinse מתייחסת בדרך כלל לשטיפה במים בלבד, בלי סבון. ... He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly.
rinsing in Hebrew - תרגום מורפיקס - מילון ...
www.morfix.co.il › rinsingדוגמאות שימוש עבורrinse verb I rinsed my face in the sink. He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly. The tools were rinsed in alcohol. She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce. He rinsed the soap out of the cup.
rinse - תרגום ל - תאילנדי - Translatero.com > מתרגם מקוון
https://he.translatero.com › translateתרגום «rinse» מ - אנגלית ל - תאילנדי.
Rinse - Translation into Italian - examples English | Reverso ...
context.reverso.net › english-italian › RinseRinse the meat in cold water and slice it into large chunks. Sciacquare la carne in acqua fredda e tagliarla in tocchetti abbastanza grandi. Rinse thoroughly to remove the foam. Risciacquare abbondantemente per eliminare la schiuma. Rinse and wash with a mild shampoo for colored hair.
rince translation in English | French-English dictionary ...
dictionary.reverso.net › french-english › rinceRinse with water and pores are liberated. J'épluche, je rince et je râpe la carotte. I peel, rinse and grate the carrot. On rince ensuite de préférence le substrat pour éliminer la matière. The substrate is then preferably rinsed to remove the material. Ensuite on rince la lentille brièvement avant de la remettre sur l'oeil.
rinse - תרגום לעברית - דוגמאות אנגלית | Reverso Context
https://context.reverso.net › תרגום › אנגלית-עברית › rinseתרגומים בהקשר של "rinse" אנגלית-עברית מתוך Reverso Context: You should go rinse that off ... תרגום "rinse" לעברית ... You should go rinse that off though.
Rinse - Translation into Italian - examples English ...
https://context.reverso.net/translation/english-italian/RinseRinse the meat in cold water and slice it into large chunks. Sciacquare la carne in acqua fredda e tagliarla in tocchetti abbastanza grandi. Rinse thoroughly to remove the foam. Risciacquare …
rinse במילון עברית - אנגלית - עברית מילון | תרגום - Glosbe
https://he.glosbe.com › אנגלית - עברית מילוןTom rinsed the dishes. תום שטף במים את הכלים. Tatoeba-2020.08. Rinse your belly button 3 ...
rinse - תרגום ל - ספרדית - translate100.com
https://he.translate100.com › translateמתרגם מקוון. תרגום טקסטים בחינם באינטרנט. טכנולוגיית תרגום מכונה. ... דוגמאות לתרגו «rinse» בהקשר: Rinse, please. Enjuágate, por favor. מקור.