How do you say "Thank You Lord" in Hebrew? | HiNative › en-US › questionssherunswiththemoon I would think תודה לאל means 'thank God', but the question is 'thank you Lord'|תודה לאל Toda lael|@likethis oh you're ...
How to pronounce תודה לאל in Hebrew - Forvo › word › תודה_לאלPronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce תודה לאל in Hebrew with native pronunciation. תודה לאל translation and audio pronunciation.
תודה לאל pronunciation: How to pronounce תודה לאל in …תודה_לאלPronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce תודה לאל in Hebrew with native pronunciation. תודה לאל translation and audio pronunciation
User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-t - Wiktionary Buchmeier/en-he-t. Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) tapir {n} (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) :: ...
How to pronounce תודה לאל |תודה-לאלתודה לאל pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more Which is the right way to pronounce the word tenuous? tenu-ous
אייל גולן תודה לאל Eyal Golan - YouTubeאייל גולן "תודה לאל" מתוך האלבום "הסתכלי אלי"להורדת האפליקציה הרשמית של אייל גולן לחצו כאן ...
r/hebrew - How I say "God bless you", "Oh my God" and ... those phrases aren't actually that useful, because I'd say most native speakers would just say "Oh my God" anyway haha. "Thank god" is תודה לאל (toda la'el), and it literally means "thank God" and is used in the same way. So, that's that. I usually hear "baruch Hashem" (ברוך השם) when something good happens.
How To Say Thank You God In Hebrew 19, 2020 · Thank god is תודה לאל (toda la'el), and it literally means thank god… Would you like to know how to translate thank you lord to hebrew? It consists of 22 letters, all consonants, none of which are lowercase. The first syllable is very similar to the english word toffee. try to pronounce it with the tongue and lips at.
How to pronounce תודה לאל | › תודה-לאלתודה לאל · Very easy · Easy · Moderate · Difficult · Very difficult.
How To Say Thank You In Jewish 08, 2021 · Try to pronounce it with the tongue and lips at the. If you mean it literally, then it's todah la'el (תודה לאל), which literally means thanks to god and has a slight religious connotation. in hebrew, the simplest, most common way to say thank you is toda (תודה). It translates roughly to may you merit to do mitzvahs, which is a way of ...
Pronunciation of לאל in Hebrew - YouGlish › pronounce › לאל › hebrewPronunciation of לאל in Hebrew. ... How to pronounce לאל in Hebrew (1 out of 509): ... זו הייתה הדברה כזאת, תודה לאל שנשארו לי עוד שערות. •••. [Feedback].
How to pronounce עוֹף in Hebrew |עוֹף-1Pronunciation of עוֹף with 1 audio pronunciations -1 rating rating ratings Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it.
How I say "God bless you", "Oh my God" and "Thank God" in ... › hebrew › comments › how_i_..."Thank god" is תודה לאל (toda la'el), and it literally means "thank God" and is used in the same way. So, that's that.
Hebrew frequency list › hebrew-frequency-listתודה לאל - - Translation into English - examples Hebrew › translation › תודה+לאל+-Translations in context of "תודה לאל -" in Hebrew-English from Reverso Context: תודה לאל שאתה, תודה לאל שיש, תודה לאל שזה, תודה לאל שאת, תודה לאל שהוא.