
מה שלומך translate

מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
Translation of "מה שלומך" in English. how are you how you doing how do you do how you doin what are you how you been how are ya how have you been how're you doing how's it going what's up on you. how you're doing hi Hey. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך היום 227.
What is the difference between "מה שלומך?" and "מה נשמע ...
https://hinative.com › en-US › questions
Synonym for מה שלומך? ... מה שלומך How are you doing מה נשמע What's up|@Avivit: "Ma nishma" literally means what is ... See a translation.
מה שלומך שלום - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
Translation of "מה שלומך שלום" in English. How are you? Hello. how are you? - Hello. Other translations. Suggestions. שלום מה שלומך 38. מה שלומך שלום, אם גם צופים בסרט.
שלום מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
context.reverso.net › translation › hebrew-english
Translation of "שלום מה שלומך" in English. Hello. How are you. Hello, how are you. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך שלום 30. שלום מה שלומך הבוקר?
What does "מה שלומך" mean in Hebrew?
מה שלומך Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names
שלום מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
Translation of "שלום מה שלומך" in English. Hello. How are you. Hello, how are you. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך שלום 30. שלום מה שלומך הבוקר?
מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) (English translation)
מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) (English translation) Artist: Sarit Hadad (שרית חדד) Song: מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) 3 translations Translations: English, Transliteration #1, #2
מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) (English translation)
lyricstranslate.com › en › מה-שלומך
Translation of 'מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri)' by Sarit Hadad (שרית חדד) from Hebrew to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어
Translation of שלום חנה מה שלומך from Hebrew into English
https://www.lingq.com › learn-hebrew-online › translate
English translation of שלום חנה מה שלומך - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
מה שלומך in English with contextual examples - MyMemory
https://mymemory.translated.net › Hebrew › מה-שלומך
Contextual translation of "מה שלומך" into English. Human translations with examples: what, hamsa, what's up?, how are you?, what is new?, anything new?, ...
What does "מה שלומך" mean in Hebrew?
www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-meaning-of
מה שלומך Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names
What does "מה שלומך" mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
https://www.wordhippo.com › what-is
Need to translate "מה שלומך" from Hebrew? Here are 2 possible meanings.
מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew
https://context.reverso.net › translation › מה+שלומך
Translations in context of "מה שלומך" in Hebrew-English from Reverso Context: מה שלומך היום, מה שלומך טוב, מה שלומך בסדר, לראות מה שלומך, לבדוק מה שלומך.
מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) - Sarit Hadad - Lyrics ...
https://lyricstranslate.com › מה-שלומך-יקיריי-ma-shlomkh...
Translation of 'מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri)' by Sarit Hadad (שרית חדד) from Hebrew to English.
Translate היי מה שלומך from Hebrew to Russian - MyMemory
Contextual translation of "היי מה שלומך" from Hebrew into Russian. Examples translated by humans: как дела, Как жизнь, Как дела?, ciao come stai, Как поживаете?.
מה שלומך שלום - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
context.reverso.net › translation › hebrew-english
Translation of "מה שלומך שלום" in English. How are you? Hello. how are you? - Hello. Other translations. Suggestions. שלום מה שלומך 38. מה שלומך שלום, אם גם צופים בסרט.
👉 English to Hebrew Translation Online Tool - Translate King
Free English to Hebrew online translator powered by Google api. Typing “How are you” will be translated into “מה שלומך”. Translate text, words, sentences, phrases, or paragraph into Hebrew
מה שלומך | English-Hebrew translation - dict.cc
https://browse.dict.cc › hebrew-english
מילון אנגלי עברי: Translations for the term 'מה שלומך' in the Hebrew-English dictionary.
שלומי טוב translation in English | Hebrew-English ...
לורליי, מה שלומך שלומי ... You can complete the translation of שלומי טוב given by the Hebrew-English dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, …
מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
context.reverso.net › translation › hebrew-english
Translation of "מה שלומך" in English. how are you how you doing how do you do how you doin what are you how you been how are ya how have you been how're you doing how's it going what's up on you. how you're doing hi Hey. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך היום 227.
מה שלומך - Hebrew to English Translation
translation.babylon-software.com › hebrew › to
מה שלומך (Hebrew to English translation). Translate מה שלומך to Hebrew online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.
מה שלומך - Hebrew to English Translation
מה שלומך (Hebrew to English translation). Translate מה שלומך to Hebrew online and download now our free translation software to use at any time.
Hebrew מה שלומך - Translate - Contextual Dictionary
https://www.contextualdictionary.com › ...
Translation of «מה שלומך» in English language: «How are you?» — Hebrew-English Dictionary.
מה שלומך? – translation into Russian - from Hebrew - Promt
https://www.online-translator.com › translation › מה שלו...
translation מה שלומך? from Hebrew into Russian by PROMT, grammar, pronunciation, transcription, translation examples, online translator and ...