
את meaning

את‎ (Hebrew, Aramaic): meaning, origin, definition
https://www.wordsense.eu › את
אתם (Hebrew) Pronoun You, y'all, you guys: the second-person... אתנא (Aramaic) Noun אתנא (fem.) (masculine counterpart... אתנקף ...
Selfish | Definition of Selfish by Merriam-Webster
1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others. 2 : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others a selfish act.
את - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › את
Feb 21, 2021 · In the event of a semantically indefinite direct object, את is simply dropped; no other preposition is used instead. Note that the choice to include or not include את is based on semantics rather than form; את is used when the direct object is a proper noun, or a personal pronoun (in which case it is incorporated into the form of את ), or a noun phrase beginning with ה־ ‎ (ha-, “the”), or a noun phrase headed by a noun compound ending in one of these.
What is את and how do we use it? - The Kefar
http://www.thekefar.com › what-is-et-in-hebrew-and-ho...
The Hebrew word אֶת – pronounced /et/ – doesn't have a translation in English, and that makes it one of the more difficult grammar points ...
1 – את [Et] – The Most common Word in the Hebrew Language
https://myhebrewwords.wordpress.com › 2014/03/07
According to the traditional interpretation of the verse, the word את in this verse means “with” which is one of the common interpretations of ...
hebrew - Meaning of (et)"את" and (v'et)"וְאֵ֥ת" in Genesis ...
את־; the mark of the accusative, prefixed as a rule only to nouns that are definite. This describes the normal usage; there are exceptions to the "rule", especially in poetry where use of such grammatical particles tends to be reduced in comparison with prose.
את - Wiktionary
https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › את
You, thou: (the feminine singular second-person personal pronoun). Usage notesEdit. In mishnaic sources, the masculine singular ...
את‎ (Hebrew, Aramaic): meaning, origin, definition ...
את (Hebrew) Origin & history I Pronunciation (Mod. Israeli) IPA: /et/ (Ashkenazi Hebrew) IPA: /eɪs/ Preposition. Used to introduce a semantically definite direct object. Usage. In the event of a semantically indefinite direct object, את is simply dropped; no other preposition is used instead.
את | Abarim Publications Theological Dictionary (Old ...
Nov 28, 2014 · את ('at); the feminine second person singular; you are a woman. Note that this pronoun is spelled the same as the previous two words את ( 'et ). The difference in pronunciation wasn't formalized until the Masoretes did so in the Middle Ages.
What does את mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
https://www.wordhippo.com › what-is
Need to translate "את" from Hebrew? Here are 8 possible meanings.
את – (used before a definite direct object) – Hebrew ...
את – (used before a definite direct object) – Hebrew conjugation tables.
את - Translation into English - examples Hebrew - Reverso ...
https://context.reverso.net › translation › את
אנו מציעים את הטכנולוגיות העדכניות ביותר, המאושרות כחלק ממגוון פתרונות הווירטואליזציה של Dell, כדי לסייע לך לפשט את הפעולות, בלי להגביל את האפשרויות.
H853 את - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon
את. 'êth. ayth. Apparently contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely) KJV Usage: (As such unrepresented in English.)
את | Abarim Publications Theological Dictionary (Old ...
https://www.abarim-publications.com › Dictionary › a-ta
את ('at); the feminine second person singular; you are a woman. Note that this pronoun is spelled the same as the previous two words את ('et).
Meaning of (et)"את" and (v'et)"וְאֵ֥ת" in Genesis 1:1
https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com › questions
The technical term for this word את is the 'object marker,' or the marker which shows the object of the sentence (the object is the thing spoken about in a ...
1 – את [Et] – The Most common Word in the Hebrew Language ...
Mar 07, 2014 · There are also other uses of the word את. The word את also means ‘with’. In Modern Hebrew it rarely appears in that form. It is very common in other forms such as the word אתו – with him, or אתה with her. But in the Torah את can come by itself.
What does את mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-meaning-of
את. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search. Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search. Advanced Word Finder. See Also in Hebrew.
את | Abarim Publications Theological Dictionary (Old ...
www.abarim-publications.com › Dictionary › a
Nov 28, 2014 · את ('at); the feminine second person singular; you are a woman. Note that this pronoun is spelled the same as the previous two words את ( 'et ). The difference in pronunciation wasn't formalized until the Masoretes did so in the Middle Ages.
Hebrew Grammar - How to use “et" (את) - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Why does Hebrew have that extra little word "et"? This video makes it easy to understand the direct object marker!
את – (used before a definite direct object) – Hebrew ...
www.pealim.com › dict › 2710-et
את – (used before a definite direct object) – Hebrew conjugation tables.
את - Wiktionary
Feb 21, 2021 · In the event of a semantically indefinite direct object, את is simply dropped; no other preposition is used instead. Note that the choice to include or not include את is based on semantics rather than form; את is used when the direct object is a proper noun, or a personal pronoun (in which case it is incorporated into the form of את ), or a noun phrase beginning with ה־ ‎ (ha-, “the”), or a noun phrase …
What does את mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
את. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search. Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search. Advanced Word Finder. See Also in Hebrew.
את‎ (Hebrew, Aramaic): meaning, origin, definition ...
www.wordsense.eu › את
את (Hebrew) Origin & history I Pronunciation (Mod. Israeli) IPA: /et/ (Ashkenazi Hebrew) IPA: /eɪs/ Preposition. Used to introduce a semantically definite direct object. Usage. In the event of a semantically indefinite direct object, את is simply dropped; no other preposition is used instead.
1 – את [Et] – The Most common Word in the Hebrew Language ...
myhebrewwords.wordpress.com › 2014/03/07 › 1-את-et
Mar 07, 2014 · There are also other uses of the word את. The word את also means ‘with’. In Modern Hebrew it rarely appears in that form. It is very common in other forms such as the word אתו – with him, or אתה with her. But in the Torah את can come by itself.
BONUS LEVEL: Aleph/Tav את Symbol with Other Hebrew Letters
The association of other single Hebrew letters both as prefixes and suffixes of the Aleph/Tav את Character Symbol only serves to substantiate the validity that the Aleph/Tav את Symbol represents the divine every time it is used throughout the entire Tanakh. The significance of this knowledge should not be underestimated for it is unprecedented.