
plural אלהים

Should אלהים (ʾĔLŌHÎM) with plural predication be translated ...
forums.accordancebible.com › topic › 33266-should
Sep 27, 2022 · "Recent syntactic database development allows the scholar/translator to construct a query for אלהים and האלהים as the subject of a clause whose predicator is a third person plural finite verb."
RTL Words: ELOHIM (Hebrew: אלהים) - Bible & Archaeology
bam.sites.uiowa.edu › RTL › rtl-words-elohim
Dec 23, 2021 · The Hebrew noun אלהים ( ʾelōhím, pronounced el-oh-HEEM) is the Biblical Hebrew word for "god." Technically, it is in the masculine plural form, but is used to represent both a single and multiple deities. Despite being plural in form, אלהים ( ʾelōhím) is also frequently used to refer to the singular Hebrew God. The multiple ...
Elohim NOT plural- אלהים לא רב - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Shalom. Giving honor to the Creator of heaven and earth. This video is presented due to the fact many say that Elohim is a plural word.
RTL Words: ELOHIM (Hebrew: אלהים) - Bible & Archaeology
Dec 23, 2021 · The Hebrew noun אלהים ( ʾelōhím, pronounced el-oh-HEEM) is the Biblical Hebrew word for "god." Technically, it is in the masculine plural form, but is used to represent both a …
In Hebrew why is the word for God אלוהים in plural form?
www.quora.com › In-Hebrew-why-is-the-word-for-God
Answer (1 of 3): Why the confusion with the word “elohim”? Some try to claim it is proof of polytheism, or a trinity, disregarding all the grammar and multiple meanings the word carries.
What is the usage and corresponding meaning of אלהים ...
https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com › questions › w...
"elohim" in Exodus 20:3 is a noun plural in number. By the context that "other" in Hebrew is also plural to confirm that "elohim" is plural and ...
Why is the plural of 'אלוה' spelled as 'אלהים' not as 'אלוהים' in the ...
https://www.quora.com › Why-is-the-plural-of-אלוה-spelle...
It's important to understand that spelling is a convention and often doesn't attest to the the actual pronunciation. The Nikkud in the bible, according to ...
אלה | Abarim Publications Theological Dictionary (Old ...
www.abarim-publications.com › Dictionary › a
May 05, 2014 · The prophet Jonah observed that Nineveh was a great and mighty (אלהים) city (Jonah 3:3). The word אלהים ('elohim) is a plural word but in Hebrew plural is often deployed to express reverence or emphasis (comparable to English expressions such as "very, very good" or 'the band, Elwood, the band!').
God (I) אלהים - Brill Online Reference Works
https://referenceworks.brillonline.com › entries › god-i-...
The usual word for 'god' in the Hebrew Bible is ʾĕlōhîm, a plural formation of ʾĕlōah, the latter being an expanded form of the Common Semitic noun ʾil ...
Elohim - Wikipedia
Elohim, the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ‎, is a Hebrew word meaning "gods". Although the word is plural, in the Hebrew Bible it usually takes a singular verb and refers to a single deity, particularly the God of …
אלה | Abarim Publications Theological Dictionary (Old …
May 05, 2014 · The word אלהים ('elohim) is a plural word but in Hebrew plural is often deployed to express reverence or emphasis (comparable to English expressions such as "very, very good" or …
אלהים‎ (Hebrew): meaning, translation - WordSense Dictionary
https://www.wordsense.eu › Search
This word is sometimes grammatically plural and sometimes singular. Proper noun. God: the God of Israel. Usage. This word is sometimes grammatically plural and ...
אלהים - Wiktionary
Jun 26, 2020 · Proper noun [ edit] אֱלֹהִים • ( elohím ) m pl ( singular construct אֱלֹהֵי־ ‎) defective spelling of אלוהים ‎. This page was last edited on 26 June 2020, at 01:11.
אלהים - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › אלהים
Jun 26, 2020 · אלהים. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary ... Hebrew noun entries missing plural forms; Hebrew noun entries missing plural construct forms ...
Strong's Hebrew: 430. אֱלֹהִים (elohim) -- God, god - Bible …
Plural of 'elowahh; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; …
The Hebrew Word for God | AHRC
The word אלוה (eloah) is made plural by adding the suffix ים (iym) to the end of the word, forming the plural word אלהים (elohiym), and is used for "strong leaders that are bound to another" as …
אלהים‎ (Hebrew): meaning, translation - WordSense Dictionary
Plural indefinite of אֱלוֹהַּ; Noun. A god. An officer, judge, or the like. Usage. This word is sometimes grammatically plural and sometimes singular. Proper noun. God: the God of Israel. Usage. This …
El and Eloha | Rabbi Ari Shvat | Ask the rabbi - yeshiva.co
https://www.yeshiva.co › ask
... (אלוה) are both singular forms (nouns), but its אל that's used to form the plural Elim (אלים), and אלוה that's used to form the plural Elohim (אלוהים).
אלוהים - Wiktionary
https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › אלוהים
From the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ‎ (elóah, “god”). ... אלוהים / אֱלֹהִים • (elohím) m (singular construct אלוהי / אֱלֹהֵי־‎).
Should אלהים (ʾĔLŌHÎM) with plural predication be …
Sep 30, 2022 · e.g. (excerpt from the paper) "Recent syntactic database development allows the scholar/translator to construct a query for אלהים and האלהים as the subject of a clause whose …
The First and Second Names of God | AHRC
https://www.ancient-hebrew.org › god-yhwh › first-and...
Strengthening this assertion is the fact that the Hebrew Bible does, indeed, sometimes employ the word אלהים as a plural noun in order to describe, inter alia, ...
In Hebrew why is the word for God אלוהים in plural form?
The Hebrew word אלהים (elohim) is a plural word. We know this because of the “im” suffix, which is the masculine plural suffix. However, the Hebrew language is not English and Hebrew plurals …
אלהים‎ (Hebrew): meaning, translation - WordSense Dictionary
www.wordsense.eu › אלהים
Plural indefinite of אֱלוֹהַּ; Noun. A god. An officer, judge, or the like. Usage. This word is sometimes grammatically plural and sometimes singular. Proper noun. God: the God of Israel. Usage. This word is sometimes grammatically plural and sometimes singular.
Elohim (God) אלהים
https://www.thoughtsofgod.com › elohim-god-אלהים
Elohim (God) (Hebrew: אלהים). The plural form of EL, meaning “strong one.” creative work of all; sovereignty over all; denotes multiplied power, Almighty ...
H430 אלהים - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon - Study Bible
studybible.info › strongs › H430
H430 אלהים 'ĕlôhı̂ym el-o-heem' Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
H430 אלהים - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon - Study Bible
אלהים. 'ĕlôhı̂ym. el-o-heem'. Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of …