
Pull and bear תרגום

איך אומרים pull and bear בעיברית אומרים פול אנד באר או פול ...
www.qatips.net › ask-89792
התערבתי עם. איך אומרים pull and bear בעיברית אומרים פול אנד באר או פול אנד ביר? התערבתי עם חברה.
pull תרגום - pull in Hebrew | Morfix Dictionary מילון ותרגום מורפיקס
https://www.morfix.co.il › pull
בתרגום לעברית על ידי אתר מורפיקס, מילון עברי אנגלי ואנגלי עברי חינמי המוביל ברשת pull.
Traduction Pull and Bear en Français | Dictionnaire ...
I'd like to work at Zara, Bershka or Pull and Bear.: J'aimerais travailler à Zara, à Bershka ou à Pull and Bear.: The Ronda de la Universitat contains many chain stores, including Zara, Mango and Pull and Bear (a popular clothing company for teenagers).: La Ronda de l'Universitat contient de nombreuses chaînes de magasins, y compris Zara, Mango et Pull and Bear (une société de …
pull and bear - Translation into English - examples Spanish
https://context.reverso.net › translation › pull+and+bear
Translations in context of "pull and bear" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: La próxima semana Pull and Bear abrirá su segunda tienda en Beijing, ...
חנות עודפים pull and bear - האם יש חנות עודפים ל-pull and ...
www.qatips.net › ask-30042
חנות עודפים pull and bear - האם יש חנות עודפים ל-pull and bear ואיפה? ראיתי נעלים שאני רוצה והם היו בסוף עונה ולשום סניף שהלכתי לא נשאר במידה שלי. יש מקום שאני יכולה למצוא נעלים מהעונה הקודמת של פול אנד בר?
PULL&BEAR - Official Website
Traduction Pull and Bear en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais ...
dictionnaire.reverso.net › Pull+and+Bear
to pull a door open ouvrir une porte en tirant to pull sth out of sth, She pulled her feet out of the wet boots. Elle retira ses bottes mouillées. He pulled his arms out of the sleeves. Il sortit ses bras des manches. to pull sb out of sth, I helped pull him out of the water. J'ai aidé à le sortir de l'eau.
Pull Bear translation in English | German-English dictionary ...
dictionary.reverso.net › german-english › Pull+Bear
With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for Pull Bear and thousands of other words. You can complete the translation of Pull Bear given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries...
Traduzione Italiano del termine Pull and bear
traduttore.babylon-software.com › Pull+and+bear
Traduzione di Pull and bear in un’altra lingua: Italiano Pull and bear in Italiano Pull and Bear è una catena di negozi di moda introdotta nel 1991 da Inditex, lo stesso del gruppo Zara. Opera all'inizio nel Portogallo e dal 1992 in Grecia e a Malta.
LIFE - Sep 1, 1952 - Page 34 - Google Books Result
https://books.google.com › books
תִרגוּם 'Pull and Bear' – מילון עברית-אנגלית | Glosbe
https://he.glosbe.com › אנגלית - עברית מילון
The bear snores really loud, he's pretty sure the turtle's really an alien, and all the monkey wants to do is play pull my finger.
shopped a lot translation in Dutch | English-Dutch dictionary ...
dictionary.reverso.net › english-dutch › shopped+a+lot
I've shopped a lot in Lanzarote.: In Lanzarote heb ik veel geshopt.: We have shopped a lot in England and went to the Pull and Bear pretty often.: We hebben in Engeland veel geshopt en we zijn ook vaak bij de Pull and Bear geweest.
Pull and bear - Italiano to Italiano Translation
traduttore.babylon-software.com › italiano › italiano
Pull and Bear è una catena di negozi di moda introdotta nel 1991 da Inditex, lo stesso del gruppo Zara. Opera all'inizio nel Portogallo e dal 1992 in Grecia e a Malta. Pull and Bear introduce la linea XDYE nel 1998, offrendo molti indumenti hi tech e sportivi collegate alle icone della cultura giovane del XXI secolo.
How to pronounce pull and bear in English - Forvo
https://forvo.com › word › pull_and_bear
Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce pull and bear in English with native pronunciation. pull and bear translation and audio pronunciation.
Pull Bear translation in English | German-English ...
Pull Bear translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Pulli',pullen',pullern',Pullover', examples, definition, conjugation
Traduzione Italiano del termine Pull and bear
Pull and Bear è una catena di negozi di moda introdotta nel 1991 da Inditex, lo stesso del gruppo Zara. Opera all'inizio nel Portogallo e dal 1992 in Grecia e a Malta. Pull and Bear introduce la linea XDYE nel 1998, offrendo molti indumenti hi tech e sportivi collegate alle icone della cultura giovane del XXI secolo.
Pull&Bear - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pull&Bear
Pull&Bear Logística, S.A.. Website, www.pullandbear.com. A Pull&Bear store In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
איך אומרים pull and bear בעיברית אומרים פול אנד באר או פול ...
איך אומרים pull and bear בעיברית אומרים פול אנד באר או פול אנד ביר? התערבתי עם חברה
Translation of Pull and bear in English
https://translation.babylon-software.com › english › Pul...
Pull & Bear (; ) is a Spanish clothing and accessories retailer based in Narón, Galicia. It was founded in 1986 as New Wear, S.A.. The company began to sell ...