

Tanakh | Sefaria
https://www.sefaria.org › texts › Tanakh
Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) is Judaism's foundational text. The word “Tanakh” is an acronym of its three parts: Torah (The Five Books of Moses), ...
Tanax - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre
Hebrew Greek English Interlinear
Mar 11, 2021 · The Tanakh (תַּנַךְ ‎), is a name used for the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Tanakh is an acronym (ta-na-kh) formed from the initial Hebrew letters of the three traditional sections: Torah (ta) Teaching (Pentateuch – Moses 5 books) Nevi'im (na) Prophets . Ketuvim (kh) Writings.
Tanakh | Biblia
Hebrew acronym [tanakh תַּנַךְ] denoting Jewish Scriptures. An acronym of three Hebrew words representing the three parts of the Hebrew Scriptures: 1) Torah (torah תּוֹרָה) includes Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; 2) Nevi’im (neviʾim נְבִיאִים), the Prophets, the
התנך | אתר התנ"ך של מכללת הרצוג
כתובת דואר תקפה. כל הודעות הדואל מהמערכת יישלחו לכתובת זו. הכתובת תישאר חסויה ולשימוש האתר בלבד לצורך חידוש סיסמה, קבלת עדכונים והתרעות וכדומה.
תנ"ך - ויקיפדיה
https://he.wikipedia.org › wiki › תנ"ך
P Bible.png · פורטל התנ"ך הוא שער לכל הנושאים בתנ"ך והקשורים אליו. הפורטל עוסק בספרי התורה, הנביאים והכתובים, בפרשנות המקרא, ובסיפורים ובאישים המופיעים ...
Tanakh Bible for Android - APK Download - APKPure
May 15, 2019 · The Tanakh (from the acronym in Hebrew תַּנַךְ tanakh) is the set of books of the Hebrew Bible. It is, along with other books, what Christians call the "Old Testament." The Tanakh (also Tenakh, Tenak, Tanach) or Hebrew Bible is the canonical collection of Jewish texts.
Jul 11, 2019 · DESCARCA BIBLIA PDF. Topics BIBLIA in limba romana in format Word, biblia, word, microsoft word, romana, limba romana, ortodox, orthodox, religie, crestin. și de a folosi aplicația noastră pentru a citi și asculta la Biblia în limba engleză, română și …
The Complete Tanakh (Tanach) - Hebrew Bible - Chabad.org
https://www.chabad.org › jewish › The-Bible-with-Rashi
English translation of the entire Tanakh (Tanach) with Rashi's commentary. This Hebrew Bible was edited by esteemed translator and scholar, ...
El Tanaj en Español - Apps on Google Play
The Tanach (from the Hebrew acronym תַּנַךְ tanakh), also known as the Hebrew Bible is the set of the twenty-four canonical holy books in Judaism. -the Ketuvim (Writings). The texts of El Tanaj are written mainly in ancient Hebrew, although there are also passages in ancient Aramaic (Book of Daniel, Book of Ezra, and others).
Tanaj - Biblia Hebrea
El Tanaj (del acrónimo hebreo תַּנַךְ tanakh) o Biblia hebrea es el conjunto de los veinticuatro libros canónicos en el judaísmo. Se divide en tres grandes partes: la Torá (Ley), los Nevi'im (Profetas) y los Ketuvim (Escritos). Es el legado eterno del pueblo judío. Estudiarlo, es perpetuar la identidad judía, su herencia y valores para las generaciones por venir.
Antiguo Testamento | Wiki Biblia | Fandom
פודקאסט עושים תנ"ך - מסע היסטורי אל תקופת המקרא
https://www.osimhistoria.com › osim...
פודקאסט על ההיסטוריה של התנ"ך והמזרח הקדום בהשתתפותם של מיטב המומחים בתחום ובהגשתו של יותם שטיינמן.
תנך מלא - אתר תנ"ך ממלכתי
https://edu.929.org.il › תנך-מלא
תנך מלא. סגור תצוגת כיתה. הפרק. לקריאת פירוש עולם התנ"ך מו"ל: ד"ר יהודה עַתַּי. ביאור הרב עדין אבן ישראל שטיינזלץ.
תנ"ך מנוקד - תורה נביאים וכתובים - Mechon Mamre
https://www.mechon-mamre.org › ...
The whole Hebrew Bible in the original Hebrew, with vowel signs and normal punctuation marks according to rules of the original cantillation marks along ...
Talmud Yerushalmi をダウンロード - outlay.info
Description: Study the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) in English! We provide the best app to read and listen to the Tanakh.Download it now!What a great blessing it is to be able to read the word of the Eternal in its original!The Tanakh (from the acronym in Hebrew תַּנַךְ tanakh) is the set of ...
Tanakh Bible - Apps on Google Play
The Tanakh (from the acronym in Hebrew תַּנַךְ tanakh) is the set of books of the Hebrew Bible. It is, along with other books, what Christians call the "Old Testament." The Tanakh (also Tenakh, Tenak, Tanach) or Hebrew Bible is the canonical collection of Jewish texts. Tanakh is …
מאגר התנ"ך - מאגר ספרות הקודש - סנונית
https://kodesh.snunit.k12.il › ...
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