
סֵפֶר יְצִירָה

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Primary Texts Of Kabbalah - The Spiritual Life
Primary texts of Kabbalah - Wikipedia
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Sefer Yetzira (סֵפֶר יְצִירָה) ("Book [of] Formation/Creation"), also known as Hilkhot Yetzira ("Laws of Formation"), is a primary source of Kabbalistic teaching.
Электронная еврейская энциклопедия. Буква С • Фамилии.инфо
«СЕ́ФЕР-ИЕЦИРА́» (סֵפֶר יְצִירָה, `Книга творения`), старейший сохранившийся текст на иврите, содержащий систематически изложенные умозрительные идеи.
Sepher Yezirah: Chapter I - sacred-texts.com
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Sepher Yezirah, full text at sacred-texts.com. p. 14. SEPHER YEZIRAH. CHAPTER I. SECTION 1. Yah, 1 the Lord of hosts, the living God, King of the Universe, Omnipotent, All-Kind and Merciful, Supreme and Extolled, who is Eternal, Sublime and Most-Holy, ordained (formed) and created the Universe in thirty-two 2 mysterious paths 3 of wisdom by three 4 Sepharim, namely: 1) S’for ‏סְפָר ...
ספר יצירה עם פירוש הגר"א - HebrewBooks.org Sefer Detail
https://hebrewbooks.org › ...
Pub. Date, 1965. Pages דפים, 64. OCLC ID. ULI Entry. Source מקור. Catalog Info, משה בן יעקב, -- מרוסיהפרוש על ספר יצירה. Description תוכן, ספר יצירה הגר"א ...
Primary Texts Of Kabbalah - The Spiritual Life
slife.org › primary-texts-of-kabbalah
The Torah
Sepher Yezirah: Chapter I - sacred-texts.com
Sepher Yezirah, full text at sacred-texts.com. p. 14. SEPHER YEZIRAH. CHAPTER I. SECTION 1. Yah, 1 the Lord of hosts, the living God, King of the Universe, Omnipotent, All-Kind and Merciful, Supreme and Extolled, who is Eternal, Sublime and Most-Holy, ordained (formed) and created the Universe in thirty-two 2 mysterious paths 3 of wisdom by three 4 Sepharim, namely: 1) S’for ‏סְפָר ...
ספר היצירה | אברהם | כתבי מקובלים נוספים - קבלה לעם
http://www.kab.co.il › ... › אברהם
פרק א'. משנה א': בשלשים ושתים נתיבות פליאות חכמה חקק יה יהוה צבאות אלהי ישראל אלהים חיים ומלך עולם אל שדי רחום וחנון רם ונשא שוכן עד וקדוש שמו מרום וקדוש ...
About: Sefer Yetzirah
Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew: ספר יצירה‎ Sēpher Yəṣîrâh, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish mysticism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah. Yetzirah is more literally translated as "Formation"; the word Briah is used for "Creation". The book is ...
Sefer Yetzirah - Wikipedia
Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew: סֵפֶר יְצִירָה‎ Sēp̄er Yəṣīrā, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish mysticism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah. [citation needed] [dubious – discuss] Yetzirah is more literally translated as "Formation"; the ...
Sefer Yetzirah - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sefer_Yetzirah
Sefer Yetzirah ( Hebrew: סֵפֶר יְצִירָה‎ Sēp̄er Yəṣīrā, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish mysticism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah.
Counting time – Sabbatical Year – GalEinai - Inner
Feb 19, 2014 · The mitzvot of shmitah (the sabbatical year; pl. shmitot) and yovel (the Jubilee year) are enumerated in Parashat Behar where we learn that every seventh year is a shmitah year and the year following every seven shmitah cycles is a Jubilee year: “Count for yourselves seven sabbatical years, seven years seven times.And the days of these seven sabbatical years shall …
Primary texts of Kabbalah - Wikipedia
Sefer Yetzira (סֵפֶר יְצִירָה) ("Book [of] Formation/Creation"), also known as Hilkhot Yetzira ("Laws of Formation"), is a primary source of Kabbalistic teaching. The first commentaries on this small book were written in the 10th century, perhaps the text itself is quoted as early as the 6th century, and perhaps its linguistic ...
ספר יצירה - ויקיטקסט
https://he.wikisource.org › wiki › ספר...
ספר יצירה. שפה · מעקב · עריכה. ספר יצירה. הטקסט בספר זה הושלם. פירושים: רמב"ן | רמ"ק | גר"א | פרי יצחק · ויקיפדיה ערך בוויקיפדיה: ספר יצירה ...
» המהר"ל מפראג והגולםחב"ד - אור אין סוף
About: Sefer Yetzirah
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형성의 서(히브리어: סֵפֶר יְצִירָה 세이페르 이트라)은 유태교 신비주의 사상 카발라의 기본 경전의 하나. 성립은 3세기부터 6세기에 걸쳐라고 추측되고 있다. 10의 '수' (에 의해서 상징되는 4개의 근원적 원소와 6개의 방위)와 22의 '문자' (에 의해서 상징되는 원소)를 이용한, 신에 의한 세계의 창조를 그린다. 또, 이 '수'와 '문자'를 맞추어 '33의 지혜의 경로'라고도 총칭한다. 이 '수'의 원어는 세피라 (סְפִירָה)지만, 이 단어를 '창조의 단계'의 의미로 이용한 최초의 카발라 문헌으로서 중시된다. (ko)
Yeẓirah, Sefer | Encyclopedia.com
Daily Zohar # 2231 – Ki Tetze – The holy body part | Daily ...
Sep 13, 2016 · מִשּׁוּם שֶׁאֵין שָׁם פֵּרוּד, אָמַר בַּעַל סֵפֶר יְצִירָה עֶשֶׂר וְלֹא תֵשַׁע.. Zohar Ki Tetze. Those who connect to the secrets of the Torah with purity, inherit souls from Malchut of Atzilut, which is holy. Their souls merit to have 10 unified Sefirot because there’s no ...
Sefer Yetzirah - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sefer_Yetzirah
Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew: סֵפֶר יְצִירָה‎ Sēp̄er Yəṣīrā, Book of Formation, or Book of Creation) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish ...
GEMATRIA IBRANI dan YUNANI - SarapanPagi Biblika Ministry
www.sarapanpagi.org › gematria-ibrani-dan-yunani
Jun 09, 2006 · Dalam סֵפֶר יְצִירָה - SEFER YETSIRAH disebutkan bahwa Allah Sang Pencipta telah menciptakan alam semesta ini dengan 'Tiga Sefarim' שְׁלוֹשָׁה סֵפַרִים - SHELOSHAH SEFARIM yakni: סְפַר - SEFAR (angka - numbers), סֵפֶר - SEFER (huruf - letters) dan סִפּוּר - SIPUR (suara - sounds), Sefer Yetzirah 1:1.
Электронная еврейская энциклопедия. Буква С • Фамилии.инфо
familii.info › dictionaries › jewish
«СЕ́ФЕР-ИЕЦИРА́» (סֵפֶר יְצִירָה, `Книга творения`), старейший сохранившийся текст на иврите, содержащий систематически изложенные умозрительные идеи.
ספר יצירה א׳
https://www.sefaria.org.il › Sefer_Yet...
ספר יצירה. א׳. א. בשלשים ושתים נתיבות פליאות חכמה חקק יה יהוה צבאות אלהי ישראל אלהים חיים ומלך עולם אל שדי רחום וחנון רם ונשא שוכן עד מרום וקדוש שמו וברא את ...