chintzy - Wiktionary 15, 2021 · Of or decorated with chintz. 1995, David Ambrose, chapter 66, in Mother of God, London: Macmillan Publishers, →ISBN: This time she showed him into her living room instead of the kitchen. It was a little chintzier than it would have been if she'd actually owned the place, but he seemed to like it and sank comfortably into a loose-covered, old-fashioned ...
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chintzy - Wiktionary › wiki › chintzyJul 15, 2021 · chintzy ( comparative chintzier or more chintzy, superlative chintziest or most chintzy ) ( figuratively) Excessively reluctant to spend; miserly, stingy . quotations . Synonyms: see Thesaurus: stingy. 2000, Les Parrott; Leslie Parrott, “A Penny Saved is Sometimes Chintzy”, in Meditations on Proverbs for Couples, Grand Rapids, Mich ...
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