
מה שלומך in english

שלום מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
Translation of "שלום מה שלומך" in English. Hello. How are you. Hello, how are you. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך שלום 30. שלום מה שלומך הבוקר?
How to pronounce מה שלומך in Hebrew - Forvo
https://forvo.com › word › מה_שלומך
Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce מה שלומך in Hebrew with native pronunciation. מה שלומך translation and audio pronunciation.
How to pronounce מה שלומך in Hebrew | HowToPronounce.com
https://www.howtopronounce.com › hebrew › מה-שלומך
Pronunciation of מה שלומך with 1 audio pronunciation and more for מה שלומך. ... Rate the pronunciation difficulty of מה שלומך ... English. -Gloria Mary.
Translation of שלום חנה מה שלומך from Hebrew into English
https://www.lingq.com › learn-hebrew-online › translate
English translation of שלום חנה מה שלומך - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
Translation of "מה שלומך" in English. how are you how you doing how do you do how you doin what are you how you been how are ya how have you been how're you doing how's it going what's up on you. how you're doing hi Hey. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך היום 227.
מה שלומך - Wiktionary
Hebrew: ·How are you? (singular masculine)··How are you? (singular feminine)
מה שלומך in English with contextual examples - MyMemory
https://mymemory.translated.net › Hebrew › מה-שלומך
Contextual translation of "מה שלומך" into English. Human translations with examples: what, hamsa, how are you?, hi! how are you?, what time is it?, ...
👉 English to Hebrew Translation Online Tool - Translate King
This platform is very easy to use to translate into Hebrew from English words. Just type or paste your English text in the left input box and press the space-bar key to get the translated text into Hebrew in the right output box. E.g. "How are you" meaning in Hebrew is "מה שלומך". Who can use this free online English to Hebrew translator?
How do you say "שלום מה שלומך" in English (US)? | HiNative
https://hinative.com › en-US › questions
How do you say this in English (US)? שלום מה שלומך. See a translation · Report copyright infringement. Answers. Close. modal image.
Translation for "מה שלומך" in the free contextual Hebrew ...
https://www.contextualdictionary.com › ...
Translation of «מה שלומך» in English language: «How are you?» — Hebrew-English Dictionary.
מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) (English translation)
Song: מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) • Album: 20 (2011) 3 translations Translations: English, Transliteration #1 , #2 Proofreading requested
👉 Translate English(English) to Hebrew(עברית) | …
Translate English(English) to Hebrew(עברית). English Text "How are you?" will be translated to Hebrew as "מה שלומך?". English language online translation tool can also be used as English to Hebrew Dictionary to get meaning of English words in Hebrew.
What does "מה שלומך" mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
https://www.wordhippo.com › what-is
Need to translate "מה שלומך" from Hebrew? Here are 2 possible meanings. ... English Translation. how are you. More meanings for מַה שְׁלוֹמךָ?
מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew
https://context.reverso.net › translation › מה+שלומך
Translations in context of "מה שלומך" in Hebrew-English from Reverso Context: מה שלומך היום, מה שלומך טוב, מה שלומך בסדר, לראות מה שלומך, לבדוק מה שלומך.
👉 Hebrew to English Translation Online Tool - Translate King
This platform is very easy to use to translate into English from Hebrew words. Just type or paste your Hebrew text in the left input box and press the space-bar key to get the translated text into English in the right output box. E.g. "מה שלומך" meaning in English is "How are you".
מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
context.reverso.net › translation › hebrew-english
Translation of "מה שלומך" in English. how are you how you doing how do you do how you doin what are you how you been how are ya how have you been how're you doing how's it going what's up on you. how you're doing hi Hey. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך היום 227.
מה שלומך - Wiktionary
en.wiktionary.org › wiki › מה_שלומך
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Contents
👉 FREE Hebrew to English translation online for Free ...
Hebrew Text "מה שלומך?" will be translated to English as "How are you?". Hebrew language online translation tool can also be used as Hebrew to English Dictionary to get meaning of Hebrew words in English.
Basic Hebrew Greetings and Phrases | Learn Hebrew Phrases
Oct 23, 2014 · English (Hebrew) עברית Welcome (baruch haba) ברוך הבא pl - (bruchim ha-baim) ברוכים הבאים Hello (shalom) שלום on phone - (halo) הלו How are you?Fine thanks, and you? m (ma shlomcha) מה שלומך f (ma shlomech) מה שלומך (ma chadash) מה חדש (ma nishma) מה נשמע (tov, toda. veata? / atem?)
מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) (English translation)
lyricstranslate.com › en › מה-שלומך
Song: מה שלומך יקירי (Ma Shlomcha Yakiri) • Album: 20 (2011) 3 translations Translations: English, Transliteration #1 , #2 Proofreading requested
שלום מה שלומך - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
context.reverso.net › translation › hebrew-english
Translation of "שלום מה שלומך" in English. Hello. How are you. Hello, how are you. Other translations. Suggestions. מה שלומך שלום 30. שלום מה שלומך הבוקר?
What is ""‫מה שלומך?"" in American English and how to say it?‬
https://languagedrops.com › hebrew › english › translate
Learn the word for ""‫מה שלומך?"" and other related vocabulary in American English so that you can talk about "‫שיחות בזמן הפסקת קפה" with confidence.‬‬
What does מה שלומך mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-meaning-of
מה שלומך Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names
What does מה שלומך mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
מה שלומך See Also in Hebrew interjection, phrase מַה שׁלוֹמךָ? how are you?, how are you getting on?, how do you do? מה שלומך? how are you? מה what See Also in English you pronoun אתה, אַתָה, אוֹתְךָ, אַתֶם, אַת how adverb אֵיך, כֵּיצַד, מַה, אֵיכָה are הם Nearby Translations מַה שְׁלוֹמךָ? מַה שׁלוֹמךָ? מַה שְׁלוֹמךָ? מַה שֶׁיֵשׁ מַה שֶׁיֵשׁ
👉 FREE Hebrew to English translation online for Free ...
translatiz.com › translation › hebrew-to-english
Translate Hebrew(עברית) to English(English). Hebrew Text "מה שלומך?" will be translated to English as "How are you?". Hebrew language online translation tool can also be used as Hebrew to English Dictionary to get meaning of Hebrew words in English.