ישו - Translation into English - examples Hebrew | Reverso ...
https://context.reverso.net/translation/hebrew-english/ישוTranslation of "ישו" in English. Show us your power, Lord. הלב שלי יקרע, ישו, אם תצא מהדלת הזאת. My heart would simply snap, my Lord, if you walked on out that door. ישו, ישו, שונא את החטא אך אוהב את החוטא. Lord, Lord, hates the sin, but loves the sinner. ככה לא צריכה להיראות לידת ישו.
Definition/Meaning of ישו - EngYes
https://www.engyes.com › Main › Dictionary › ישוRobert E. Van Voorst, Jesus outside the New Testament, 2000, ISBN 9780802843685, page 124. ^ Ben Yehuda Hebrew Dictionary, 1989, ISBN 9780671688622, ...
ישוע - Wiktionary
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ישועAug 12, 2021 · יֵשׁוּע • ( Yēšūʿ ) m. A male given name, Yeshu or Jeshu, equivalent to Biblical Hebrew יֵשׁוּעַ (Yēšúa), Hebrew יֵשׁוּ (Yēšū), Koine Greek Ἰησοῦς (Iēsoûs), Latin Iēsūs. , or English Joshua or Jesus. ( biblical) Joshua, a Biblical character. ( Christianity) Jesus, a Biblical character.
Jesus translation in Hebrew | English-Hebrew dictionary ...
https://dictionary.reverso.net/english-hebrew/JesusJesus. ישו nm. You got your Black African Jesus. יש לך את ישו האפריקאי השחור שלך. Show us your truth, Jesus. תראה לנו את האמת שלך, ישו. Jesus, nothing happens in those places. אלוהים, כלום לא קורה במקומות האלה, זה רק פלרטוט? Jesus, Richard, please drive faster.
ישו (Hebrew): meaning, origin, translation - WordSense ...
https://www.wordsense.eu › ישוἸησοῦς: …Ἰησοῖ as the dative, while the NT uses Ἰησοῦ. Descendants English: Jesus Greek: Ιησούς Hebrew: ישו (only means "Jesus") Latin: ...
ישו (Hebrew): meaning, origin, translation - WordSense ...
https://www.wordsense.eu/ישוישו (Hebrew) Proper noun ישו (masc.) (yeshú) Jesus (Jesus of Nazareth). Usage. Used of Jesus the Nazarene in polemical contexts in the Talmud and medieval rabbinical literature, in distinction from ישוע used of other Joshuas. In modern Hebrew, this is the standard secular spelling for Jesus of Nazareth, but not for other Joshuas.
ישו - Wiktionary
https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › ישוA name of several individuals in the Talmud and earlier works, found also on one 1st-century ossuary, equivalent to English Joshua or Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth.
ישו - Wiktionary
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ישוJun 01, 2021 · יֵשׁוּ • ( yeshú ) m. A name of several individuals in the Talmud and earlier works, found also on one 1st-century ossuary, equivalent to English Joshua or Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth.
ישוע המשיח - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
https://context.reverso.net/translation/hebrew-english/ישוע+המשיחDust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return... until the Lord raises you up on the last day. [צעקות בשפה זרה] ישוע המשיח. (Shouting In Foreign Language) על איש הצפון רגנאר לוטברוק, אני נשבע לאדוננו ישוע המשיח, לבתולה המבורכת. I declare war eternal on the Northman ...
ישו - Translation into English - examples Hebrew - Reverso ...
https://context.reverso.net › translation › ישוTranslations in context of "ישו" in Hebrew-English from Reverso Context: ישו הנוצרי, ישו הקדוש, בשם ישו, כמו ישו, ישו התינוק.
ישו translation in English | Hebrew-English dictionary ...
https://dictionary.reverso.net/hebrew-english/ישואנחנו הולכים בדרכי ישו, גנרל. We walk a higher path, General. See more translations and examples in context for "ישו" or search for more phrases including "ישו": " ישו הנוצרי ", " ישו הקדוש "
Yeshua - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › YeshuaYeshua or Y'shua was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ in later books of ... It also differs from the Hebrew spelling Yeshu ( ישו) which is found in ...
Yeshu ha-Notzri : ישו הנוצרי: Execution of Yeshu ha Notzri ...
https://yeshuhanotzri.blogspot.com/2016/02/...May 11, 2017 · He argues that the name came to be used as a generic term for a betrayer and was borrowed by Hebrew. The name is indeed found in Genesis Rabba 50 in the expression qol Pandar (literally "voice of Pandaros" denoting false promises of a betrayer) used as a derogatory placeholder name for a judge of Sodom.
Commentaries and Annotations on the Holy Scriptures,.
https://books.google.com › booksThe same Spirit means the Spirit of God ... ישוע instead of , ישו means opportunities of fulfilling our respective duties , in every 450 Chap . 12 .
"ישו" meaning in Yiddish - kaikki.org
https://kaikki.org › Dictionaries › Yiddish › WordsSynonyms: יעזוס (yezus), ישו הנוצרי (yeshu hanotsri), יאָשקע (yoshke) [pejorative], יאָשקע פּאַנדרע (yoshke pandre) [pejorative].
How to say Jesus in Hebrew
https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the/hebrew-word...Jesus. noun יֵשׁוּ הַנוֹצרִי. Christ. ישו. Jesus. Find more words! Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With …