
חיים שלי meaning

How do you say this in Hebrew? "Honey, darling, sweetheart ...
hinative.com › en-US › questions
Jan 16, 2018 · מתוקה - sweet (like sweetheart) We use ״חיים שלי״ a lot which basically means “my life”|Motek-מותק- honey or sweetheart. Literally means sweetness. It can be used both for a girl and a boy. Metuka-מתוקה- means honey. Literal translation is sweet. Used only for a female. Matok- מתוק- same as metuka, but is used for a male. אהוב-ahuv- means loved one for a male ...
What does "כפר" mean in Hebrew?
From the Duolingo Hebrew Dictionary: See the translation of כפר with audio pronunciation, conjugations, and related words.
חיים יותר translation in English | Hebrew-English dictionary ...
dictionary.reverso.net › hebrew-english › חיים
אנשים החיים בבתי אבות" ויש להם תכניות, חיים יותר: People who live in nursing homes that have plants live longer: אנשים שם חיים יותר מאשר בכל מדינה אחרת. The people live longer there than anywhere else in the world. more lives
Eden Ben Zaken - חיים שלי (Chayim Sheli) lyrics + English ...
חיים שלי - Translation into English - examples Hebrew
https://context.reverso.net › translation › חיים+שלי
Translations in context of "חיים שלי" in Hebrew-English from Reverso Context: אני רוצה שאתה יציאה חיים שלי.
What does "החיים שלי" mean in Hebrew? - WordHippo
https://www.wordhippo.com › what-is
Need to translate "החיים שלי" from Hebrew? Here's what it means.
How do you say this in Hebrew? "Honey, darling, sweetheart ...
Jan 16, 2018 · מתוקה - sweet (like sweetheart) We use ״חיים שלי״ a lot which basically means “my life”|Motek-מותק- honey or sweetheart. Literally means sweetness. It …
How do you say this in Hebrew? Honey, darling, sweetheart ...
https://hinative.com › en-US › questions
מתוקה - sweet (like sweetheart) We use ״חיים שלי״ a lot which basically means “my life” · Motek-מותק- honey or sweetheart. Literally means ...
A Beginner's Guide to Hebrew Slang - Graduate Life in Haifa
https://haifainternationalgradprograms.wordpress.com › ...
'Bummer' isn't an exact translation of this Arabic-originating word, ... Chaim Sheli/ Neshama Sheli (נשמה שלי): My life, my soul
חיים שלי - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
context.reverso.net › translation › hebrew-english
אבל מה שיש בלבי, קלרה, נשמה שלי, חיים שלי זה ים. But what I have in my heart, my sweet, my life , is an entire ocean. קייל, זה חיים שלי
terms of endearment - to a son or Daughter : hebrew - reddit
עיניים שלי (enayim shelli) meaning 'my eyes'. אהבה שלי (ahava shelli) meaning 'my love'. You could also replace the 'shelli' (my) with 'shel aba' (dad's) or 'shel ima' (mom's), resulting in 'mother's love',for example. אהוב/ה (ahuv to a boy, ahuva to a girl) meaning 'loved one'.
חיים שלי - Translation into English - examples Hebrew ...
אבל מה שיש בלבי, קלרה, נשמה שלי, חיים שלי זה ים. But what I have in my heart, my sweet, my life , is an entire ocean. קייל, זה חיים שלי
עדן בן זקן - חיים שלי - YouTube
Jun 05, 2018 · סיבוב הופעות חורף 20221.1.22 האנגר 11 ת"א לכרטיסים - *9964 https://www.tmisrael.co.il/event/MH114/ALL/iw 8.1.22 פורום Live באר ...
Neshama Sheli - Nashim Magazine
Jan 30, 2019 · The term נשמה שלי ( my soul) is frequently thrown around in Israel as a term of endearment; even to people you might consider an acquaintance. This concept always struck me as bizarre, however, Israelis deem it normal to call those they barely know things like חיים שלי, my life, or מתה עלייך, literally dead about you, or the looser translation, crazy about you.
חיים שלי (Chayim Sheli) (English translation)
https://lyricstranslate.com › חיים-שלי-my-life
My Life ; I had just about given up when you came into my life. Lightning up my heart in a sea of colours. After all the years that I've been ...
חיים יותר translation in English | Hebrew-English ...
אנשים החיים בבתי אבות" ויש להם תכניות, חיים יותר: People who live in nursing homes that have plants live longer: אנשים שם חיים יותר מאשר בכל מדינה אחרת. The people live longer there than anywhere else in the world. more lives
Translation of חיים שלי | Chayim Sheli, Eden Ben Zaken from ...
https://www.lyrtran.com ›
Translation of חיים שלי | Chayim Sheli, Eden Ben Zaken from Hebrew to English.
Eden Ben Zaken - חיים שלי (Chayim Sheli) lyrics + English ...
lyricstranslate.com › en › חיים-שלי-my-life
Oy you are my life. I'm so happy I got you. I'm lucky to have you by my side. Oy you are my life. I shout in front of everybody. For me you are the greatest happiness in the world. Every morning with you is such a happiness. I wish time would stop for ever. I'm so happy that you came for a moment.
שלי pronunciation: How to pronounce שלי in Hebrew - Forvo
https://forvo.com › word › שלי
Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce שלי in Hebrew with native pronunciation. שלי translation and audio pronunciation.
how do i say i love you in hebrew – The Blue Monkey ...
bluemonkeysports.com › how-do-i-say-i-love-you-in
Jan 23, 2022 · For a guy: אהוב שלי (A’huv Sheli); For a girl: אהובה שלי (A’huva Sheli) For a guy: אהובי (A’huvi) ; For a girl: אהובתי (A’huvati) A very common used slang phrase : חיים שלי (H’aim Sheli), also means ‘my life’. how do i say i love you in hebrew What does Baruch Hashem mean?
How do you say "my love" in Hebrew? - Quora
https://www.quora.com › How-do-you-say-my-love-in-...
A very common used slang phrase : חיים שלי (H'aim Sheli), also means 'my life'. Start spreading love to anyone in your life who deserves it :).
how do i say i love you in hebrew – The Blue Monkey ...
Jan 23, 2022 · Shalom (Hebrew: שָׁלוֹם‎ shalom; also spelled as sholom, sholem, sholoim, shulem) is a Hebrew word meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility and can be used idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye.
עדן בן זקן - חיים שלי - YouTube
www.youtube.com › watch
סיבוב הופעות חורף 20221.1.22 האנגר 11 ת"א לכרטיסים - *9964 https://www.tmisrael.co.il/event/MH114/ALL/iw 8.1.22 פורום Live באר ...
What does "חיים של אבא" mean? : r/hebrew - Reddit
https://www.reddit.com › hebrew › comments › what_d...
Like a boyfriend will tell his girlfriend "Neshama sheli (נשמה שלי)" meaning that she is "his soul". I'm Israeli.
חיים | Life – Life's Moments
Nov 07, 2019 · Meaning – a photo of the living, representing Life. L. ונדמה לי שיש בה הכל – אור וצל, אפור מעודן ולבן בולט, כיוונים שונים, ועוד… כלומר – תמונה של חיים, המסמלת את החיים. L. P.S.
Neshama Sheli - Nashim Magazine
nashimmagazine.com › articles › voices
Jan 30, 2019 · The term נשמה שלי ( my soul) is frequently thrown around in Israel as a term of endearment; even to people you might consider an acquaintance. This concept always struck me as bizarre, however, Israelis deem it normal to call those they barely know things like חיים שלי, my life, or מתה עלייך, literally dead about you, or the looser translation, crazy about you.